DIY Monday

I have been ordering fabric from US based for a few years now.  They have the best variety of both types and fabrics and I especially love their selection of Amy Butler. The only problem is, they are based out of California and I pay a fortune on shipping and duty to Canada.  So I recently found a wonderful blog post from The Finished Garment listing a whole bunch of Canadian on-line fabric retailers.  Yahoo!  The selection at most of these stores doesn’t compare to Harts, but if you dig around and know what you are after, you’ll be in good shape.  This is where I came across Sew-Sisters Quilt Shop in Toronto.  Shipping was free and fast!!  They have a lovely selection of flannel fabrics, which is just what I was after to make some baby blankets for my BF’s new little guy, Carson.

I realize it is May, and the weather just turned from winter to summer practically overnight, and this baby will not be requiring flannel blankets anytime soon, but still, he will like these!  I loved making these for my kids.  I found that the flannel receiving blankets sold in stores are not big enough for swaddling past three months, and my kids loved to be swaddled for a long time.  My two year old still uses her blankets and they are also great for lining cribs and change pads.

Hopefully Carson will like these ones!

These double-sided baby blankets are sew simple to make (ha ha!)….

1. Get two complimenting, or contrasting, or whatever you like, flannel fabrics and wash/dry/iron them.

2. Line them up on top of each other with the insides facing out.

3. Sew them together along the edge. Leave a 4 inch opening to turn them inside out. Hand stitch the opening.

4. About 2 inches in from the edge of the blanket, sew a border.

Voila!  You have a baby blanket!


Fabric shipment from Sew Sisters


The finished edge

finished product

Final product!














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Here is one of my favourite blankets (fabric from Harts) that I made for my sister a couple of years ago













Happy DIY’ing!